Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Few Updates...

A portrait I did some years back of the artist Jenny Laden will be shown in an upcoming show of faculty picks at the City College of San Francisco gallery.


I'm looking forward to taking part in Southern Exposure's Monster Draw Rally again this year. Last year's event was a great time and there was a huge turn out. Over a hundred artists draw in one hour shifts, their work then goes up on the wall for purchase. All the work is $60! and proceeds go directly to fund SOEX's community programs. So if you want a chance to help a great art organization and pick up some nice artwork at great prices, this is your place-to-be! Here are the details:

Friday, February 27th from 6-10:30pm (my shift will be from 9 to 10pm).
At the Verdi Club, 2424 Mariposa Street (btw Potrero and Hampshire and 17th and 18th Streets).