Fellow artist at Bryant Street Studios, Josh Ellingson, received confirmation today that his artwork was part of the first art exhibition... in... SPACE! In October space entrepreneur, Richard Garriott, held the first ever art exhibition in Earth orbit aboard the International Space Station. Known also as 'Lord British', Garriott was an early pioneer of computer gaming back the 1980s and is the son of former NASA astronaut, Dr. Owen Garriott. Ellingson's piece: "Dirty Martini and the Birth of the Space Program" was selected along with several works by other Earth artists, including: Steve Jenson, Drue Kataoka, Greg Mort, John Matthew Riva, Melinda Fager, and another SF local, Stanley Goldstein.
In a post-event web interview, I asked Mr. Ellingson if he had any words of advice for the young people out there?
"I would like to tell the young people of Earth, that they should try things even if they sound impossible. And I guess I've learned even when things seem like they've completely fallen apart, there's still hope," says Ellingson.
You can view Josh Ellingson's artwork at: www.joshuaellingson.com.
(It's the woman with the rocket in the background, you can't miss it.)