Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rosa Sat, Martin Walked, Barack Ran: Courage, Endurance, Victory - A Historic Exhibition at San Francisco Art Exchange

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending this exhibition and the talk given by Clarence Jones, the former personal counsel, adviser, speechwriter and close friend of Martin Luther King, Jr. Listening to Clarence Jones... and seeing this exhibition... is a great reminder of the courage, sacrifice and achievements of the civil rights movement... and to the debt and thanks owed those who put their lives, their families, and their futures on the line.

If you are in San Francisco you will want to check out this exhibition at the San Francisco Art Exchange (458 Geary Street). Nearly a dozen photographers depict many of the private and public moments in the lives of these historic and influential figures. There are also a number of intriguing photos of Nelson Mandela, Stephen Biko and Desmund Tutu.

More info and a preview of the show can be found on the gallery's website.